FP&A Today - Episode 28 - Anders Liu-Lindberg: Start with Why in FP&A
In this podcast Anders discusses:
How he moved from "pretty poor numbers" as a LinkedIn creator 10 years ago, to be the leading influencer on FP&A
Why more voices on FP&A on LinkedIn and other platforms is propelling change for the profession
Why business partners need to better understand key drivers for their business and translates insights into action
Why change in FP&A is still not happening on the scale that businesses need to see
Analytics vs FP&A? Should they be competing
What is really meant by common buzzwords "business partnering" and digital transformation
Why he feels that in common with other finance professionals he held himself back for too long to avoid breaking out of his comfort zone.
FP&A Today - Episode 24 - Becoming the Agent for Change in FP&A
Larysa Melnychuk, founder and CEO at FP&A Trends Group and the International FP&A Board, is pushing FP&A to new levels, having launched 27 chapters across 16 countries hosting webinars, posting resources, and championing the industry. In this episode, she joins host Paul Barnhurst to champion all things FP&A.

Episode 11 - Aliyyah Abdullah: How to Succeed with Supply Chain Value
Aliyyah Abdullah is Strategic and Operational Finance Leader, Universal Foods Limited. Based in Trinidad and Tobago, Aliyya began studying management, which she describes as “closer to psychology”. Aliyya only shifted careers to finance when a friend told her about an opportunity. After getting a degree in accounting, she specializes today in working with top SMEs in finance in the food and beverage industry, most recently at Universal Foods Limited – maker of Charles Chocolates, Sunshine Snacks and Universal Lightly Frosted Corn.
Being a leading finance expert in a country of 1.4 million people, Aliyya gets to perform a number of roles including FP&A specializing in supply chain value.
In this episode of FP&A Today Aliyyah discusses
The importance of leading and lagging indicators in food and beverage FP&A
Why she has focused in the past 12 years on small business FP&A
Secrets to mixing finance and operations to add value
How a food and beverage leader is managing mounting supply chain issues such as the rise in the cost of a containers
How her love of Horror movies has got her through anxious FP&A moments
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