FP&A Today - Episode 19 - Budgeting & Forecasting: All Your Questions Answered
In this special LinkedIn Live/ FP&A Today, join Paul Barnhurst and our all-star panel to answer your questions for budget season based on their decades of experience.
1) The best piece of advice you give - or have been given for a successful budget process over your career?
2) Top Down or Bottoms Up Budgeting?
3) Should we move beyond budgeting?
4) The role AI can play in budgeting?
5) What do you do when leadership comes up with unrealistic numbers?
6) How do you incorporate and manage your finance tech stack during the budget process?
7) What does the budget process in a startup look like?
8)What impact did COVID have on budgeting?
FP&A Today - Episode 16 - Jamie Genge: Winning Big with Monte Carlo analysis in FP&A
In this wide-ranging interview Jamie provides his take on
Moving from audit to FP&A
How FP&A acts as bid support in governmental organizations such as the NPL
His passion for Monte Carlo analysis, a mathematical technique to account for risk and upside in decision making
How Monte Carlo is used in the sales funnel, with examples from NPL
How NPL conducts its budget and forecasting
Bottom up vs Top Down budgeting
The pride of building a team in FP&A as one of the greatest career achievements
The challenges and opportunities in FP&A at this crossroads
Jamie’s gardening project as an analogy for FP&A
FP&A Today Episode 7 - Kenneth Fick
Kenneth Fick, had it in his background to be in FP&A: His father spent 40 years in FP&A at Fisher Price.
Ken is now Vice President of Financial Planning Analysis at Citrin Cooperman which is a $350 million accounting tax and advisory firm based in New York. In this interview Kenneth discusses:
Being a 20-year-old watching the chaos unfold at Circuit City which is now taught as an example of corporate failure in America
While technical skills get you first roles, you get promoted through skills in influence and storytelling
Becoming a leading name in FP&A through his writing – including a viral article about how to exactly define to a stranger what FP&A is, at a cocktail party
His budget process and love of budgeting as a means of listening to the company
Why it angers him that FP&A is being judged on predictions
How fuzzy data is at the core of FP&A
Linear regression and statistical modeling in Excel