Financial Modelers Simplify Spreadsheets to Reduce Errors and Succeed in 2025 with Myles Arnott
In this episode of Financial Modeler's Corner, host Paul Barnhurst (aka the FP&A Guy) welcomes Myles Arnott, co-founder of Full Stack Modeller and founder of Clarity Consultancy Services. Myles shares his 25+ year journey in Excel, his philosophy of keeping things simple, and how structured design and tools like Power Query have transformed his approach to modeling. He also opens up about taking the FMI Advanced Financial Modeler (AFM) exam and co-building a global modeling community.
Myles Arnott is a CMA-qualified accountant, Excel trainer, and fractional finance director. He leads Clarity Consultancy Services and co-founded Full Stack Modeller, a platform built to provide finance professionals with a full toolkit of modern Excel and modeling skills. Myles blends operational finance experience with teaching, making complex modeling concepts accessible through real-world insights and practice.
Expect to Learn:
The power of simplicity in model design
How to effectively prepare for the AFM exam
Best practices for managing data flow in Excel
Why Power Query is one of Excel’s most powerful tools
How Full Stack Modeler is helping professionals level up in finance
The value of designing with clarity and reviewing with confidence
Myles’s journey from complex automation to clean, intuitive spreadsheets
Here are a few quotes from the episode:
Spreadsheet risk skyrockets when models are messy and undocumented.”- Myles Arnott
“If your data flows are poor, your insights will be too.”- Myles Arnott
“Power Query changed everything for how we manage data in Excel.”- Myles Arnott
In this episode, Myles Arnott shares how clarity, consistency, and structure create better financial models. He emphasizes the importance of design thinking, simplifying complexity, and continuously developing your skills. Whether you're preparing for the AFM or just want to clean up your modeling, Myles’s advice will guide you toward modeling excellence.
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In today’s episode:
[01:39] - Episode Introduction
[02:49] - Worst Financial Model Mistakes
[07:55] - Leadership and AFM
[13:26] - Balancing Under Exam Pressure
[19:17] - Full Stack Origins
[23:01] - MVP Antics and Office Fun
[27:04] - Simplifying Systems and Processes
[31:13] - Power Query Tips
[36:37] - Career Lessons Learned
[46:09] - Advice to Aspiring Modelers
Full Show Transcript
[00:01:13]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Welcome to Financial Modeler's Corner where we discuss the art and science of financial modeling with your host, Paul Barnhorst. Financial Modeler's Corner is sponsored by. Financial modeling institute.
[00:01:29]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Welcome to Financial Modeler's Corner. I am your host, Paul Barnhorst. This is a podcast where we talk all about the art and science of financial modeling with distinguished financial modelers from around the globe. The Financial Modeler's Corner podcast is brought to you by the Financial Modeling Institute. FMI offers the most respected accreditations in financial modeling, and that's why I completed the Advanced Financial Modeler. I'm thrilled to welcome on the show this week Myles Arnott. Myles, welcome to the show.
[00:02:05] Guest: Myles Arnott: Thanks, Paul. And thanks for having me.
[00:02:07]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Yeah excited to have you. So a little bit about Myles background before we jump into the interview Myles brings over 25 years of Excel expertise with a background as a CMA qualified accountant. He is a co-founder of Full Stack Modeler and the owner and founder of Clarity Consultancy Services, a spreadsheet consultancy and training business at clarity. He works as a fractional finance director for UK SMEs, combining his technical knowledge with real world application. So we're really excited to have you and we're going to start with this question. Tell me that horror story, that worst model you've ever worked with.
[00:02:53] Guest: Myles Arnott: It's an interesting one, Paul. So as you from my bio there, you've probably got a sense that I work in a mix of financial modeling and what I'd call operational finance modeling. So a mixed bag, really. And the worst was a project I worked on where it's quite hard thing they were trying to do, but we were looking to take a model that existed and turn it into a proper system. So turn it into a database that flowed through into an Excel file. So an Excel file at the front collect data, load data up and then put it out. So I had to take the original file. So the thing that existed and then try and understand what was going on. And it was absolutely horrific. So what the people that had built it, it was a one page wonder of what I would call it. So everything in one page for this enormous amount of work. And then they did that thing of taking every element of the source data and just moving it down and to the right, so that you just kept on going down into the right, down to the right. So when you clicked on a formula, what would happen is it would just explode in terms of where it was referencing things. So things above. Things below. Things down in the left hand corner. Things down in the right hand corner. And so to try and unpick that was unreal. And it's one of the formulae we use in our training courses for best practice modeling to show what not to do, because it was like a full page size of formula with like 6 or 7 nested ifs, 10 or 12 vlookups. It's just unfathomable and how anyone could ever work out. And that was just one formula. And it was poorly structured, impossible to unpick. And yeah, I had the job of trying to unpick that and rebuild it into something that made sense.
[00:04:32]Host: Paul Barnhurst: So how much were you actually able to unpick it versus forget it? I'm starting over and I'll go ask them the questions I need.
[00:04:40] Guest: Myles Arnott: Perfect question for exactly that. Like literally, that was it. I looked at it for about 30s. I was like, no one knows how that works. There's no way whoever built that, it's not going to know how that worked. So yeah, straight away I was like, roughly, what's it picking up? And then go and talk to the user. Yeah, They're absolutely not trying to unpick that for sure.
[00:04:57]Host: Paul Barnhurst: We've all been there. I like what one guest said. He's like, build your model. Simple enough. When you open them a week later, you actually understand the formula because how many have done that? You build a formula and then you open up a file, you know, sometime later and you're like, what is this formula even doing?
[00:05:13] Guest: Myles Arnott: Absolutely. Yeah. So I always teach the same actually. So build something for yourself in a week's time or for someone else. So always have that future person in mind whether it's yourself or someone else. Because yeah, I remember the amount of times I've opened something up and gone. They remember building that. Let's have a look at how it works. And yeah, simple is the thing. That's what you're going to hear from me over the whole whole of this session is keep it simple.
00:05:35]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Yeah, there's definitely a lot of value in that. So what was your kind of key takeaway or learning from that horrific model you had to deal with?
[00:05:42] Guest: Myles Arnott: I think I was already on a journey towards it, but that thing of keeping it simple. So how do you break down the design of what you're doing so that you can get that flow from source to workings to output in the most simple way. And that's what I think throughout my career I focused on is what's the simplest possible solution? You can get to something. And and that reality of there's nothing quite like as they're clicking on a cell and you get that explosion of a formula where you're trying to work out what's going on, versus you click on the formula and all of the ingredients are just above it, and you know exactly what's going on. That's my key learning is to get to that point. And that's what I've, I've tried to do and tried to teach ever since.
[00:06:21]Host: Paul Barnhurst: It takes a while to learn, and it's really nice when you get a very well structured model and you can actually open it up and and follow because it's hard enough picking up somebody else's model because you don't know their thinking. Everybody. Yeah, that's why it's art and science. You often don't know the project you're working on very well. You're still learning the business. And then if you have something that you're never going to understand because it's such a mess, it it just becomes that much harder.
[00:06:46] Guest: Myles Arnott: So hard. And the risk is huge. We all know about spreadsheet risk and the aims to avoid it. And that is the main thing, really. If no one can unpick what's going on and you yourself can't remember what you did, then, then what's the risk level? It's huge, isn't it? Like I've heard you on one of the podcasts before, saying every spreadsheet contains an error and you're just trying to find the material ones. And that's how I live. That's what I live by, that there's going to be an error. Let's just hope we can just limit it to the the ones that don't really matter and that materiality piece. But if you can't tell what's going on, you've got no way of even starting that journey.
[00:07:19]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Yeah. Much more likely you have a material error, right? The more you hard code, the more you do all those bad practices, the more likely you're going to have something that at some point someone's going to be like, oh crap, this is a lot bigger of a problem than we thought.
[00:07:33] Guest: Myles Arnott: Absolutely, yeah. And it's how you can test that. And building a model simply in a nice, clear, structured way helps yourself and other people to review that and make sure that you're not going to get those errors. So simplicity. So simple clear consistent three really straightforward rules to to live by. And they all help that lowering of risk and making sure other people can tell what's going on in your model.
[00:07:55]Host: Paul Barnhurst: I like it great. The keys there, that's a good one. So you recently took the Advanced Financial modeler from FMI. First, why did you decide to take it at this point? Obviously you've been modeling a long time. You know, co-founder of Full Stack Modeler. What was the thinking behind hey, I should take this?
[00:08:12] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah, it's an interesting one. So probably like two, two angles. Really. So. So one is like, as you say, Full Stack Modeler. Giles, my business partner is an MFM. So that's like the third level of FMI's qualifications. I've been modeling for years, teaching the FA standard for years. I'm not what I'd call a financial modeler. I build financial models, but it's not my day job. It's more work as a finance director, trainer, spreadsheet consultant in that operational world. And from a business perspective, I just felt it was time that I did something to prove myself at the financial modeling level. FMI is an amazing organization. Great certifications. We've been working with them for a couple of years now. Like we centralize our training around that to help people pass AFM and latterly AFM exam. So who am I if I haven't got AFM to teach people how to pass it? So. So it's a fairly obvious one from a business perspective. And then just like personally like I'm 48 now, long time since I've been at university and done my CMA, and I'm always looking for ways just to keep on developing myself. And AFM felt like a really nice way of just testing where I am. And yeah, it was great. And I'm now thinking about CFM. So. So Paul, I know you recently did AFM as well, didn't you?
[00:09:31]Host: Paul Barnhurst: I did AFM last year. Yep.
[00:09:32] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah. Cool. And what was the what was the reason for yourself. Did you similar kind of thing or.
[00:09:36]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Yeah a couple of things. One I had originally signed up for it back in 2020. Covid hit job changes and I never took it. And so when FMI was my sponsor, in goes, you know, you have to take level one. And I was supposed to finish it by the end of the first year, but it got pushed into February of the next year, so that really motivated me. It'd been on my list. I'd wanted to do it for a long time. I knew about it and respected the program and thought it would be, you know, a good challenge and help me be a better modeler. But what really put it over the edge was it was in the contract that I had to take it.
[00:10:09] Guest: Myles Arnott: So kind of similar to me in a way then that, yeah, you kind of feel like you had to.
[00:10:13]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Yeah, I felt obligated and I'm glad I did. I wanted to for a long time. It wasn't like I didn't think it was beneficial. I've been a huge fan of FMI for over five years now, and so it was great to take, but it was just one more thing. As you're doing your day job where you're like, where do I find time to study? And do I really want what happens if I fail? I'm sure that thought crossed your mind. If you got your results yet?
[00:10:37] Guest: Myles Arnott: no, I haven't. So, yeah, this is, uh. I gotta be careful what I say in case. In case I fail. But but, yeah, I'm. You know, I was the same. I felt like I really wanted to do it. I talked quite publicly about doing it, because I thought that would push me to make sure I sat at this February and, you know, posted about it on LinkedIn and stuff. And then I realized that moment where you have to pass because if I fail, I'm going to be in all sorts of trouble. So Giles never let me live it down, for starters. Really? So he, uh, he's an mfms. If I can't get AFM, I'm in all sorts of trouble. So.
[00:11:09]Host: Paul Barnhurst: And how do you think it? First let's talk. How did the test go? How did you. How do you feel about things? I mean, I know you're still waiting, but you're able to get your balance sheet to balance and kind of follow all the best practices you teach. You feel pretty, pretty good when you were done.
[00:11:22] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah. Good. Yeah. Like I said, I'm sitting here slightly concerned that you're going to hold this bit of content and release it just as like Miles fails then blah. Here he is saying that, yeah, I found it really easy, but but you know, I was, you know, like you say, I've modeled for a long time. I follow the FA standards. So very particular way of modeling., the my nature is to prepare very heavily. So I'm I'm someone who practice, practice, practice, practice and then find it, not find it easy, but train hard. Fight easy is my kind of thing. So work really hard at that, that base bit. So I did a lot of prep., I did a lot of practice on the on the day. I kind of got it done in two hours. So you got four hours to have it finished. So I had about an hour and a half to check a few things through, and I'm glad I did, because I found a couple of things where I'd kind of breeze through and then realized I shouldn't have done, and they threw in a couple of curve balls this year, I thought, or this sitting in February. So there was a couple of little sneaky bits that took a little bit of different time to think about, which weren't haven't been in previous exams that I've seen. So. So yeah, it felt really good., when I started practicing for it, I realized the first thing I wanted to do once I built the structure was to get the balance sheet to balance, and then every incremental step that I did, the balance sheet balanced, and it was just if you get it wrong, you're going to see it in that small bit that you got wrong, not do it all, and then try and balance it at the end and then start crying with ten minutes to go. So. So that was my thing. Balance it early and then keep going.
[00:12:54]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Yeah, I probably I got everything done. My balance sheet didn't balance.
[00:12:58] Guest: Myles Arnott: Oh wow.
[00:12:59]Host: Paul Barnhurst: And I don't know, I probably had an hour a little over an hour left and I hadn't cleaned up a lot of little things. And so what I did is I went and, you know, finished the executive summary, finished the form, made sure everything, the scenario, everything was a good place. Everything was done, then came back to it and realized I had just I was really, really tired. It had been a long week and I put parentheses in the wrong place and that was it for it. And once I fixed that, everything was balanced with about ten minutes to go. I'm like, okay, I feel better now.
[00:13:26] Guest: Myles Arnott: Nice. Yeah. I mean that's the risk particularly under under pressure. And you know, we don't when you're modeling you don't tend to be under that kind of pressure. You know we can be at pressure in a project. But you don't typically read a case study and fire on. So easy to just get signage wrong or put something in slightly the wrong place under that pressure. And that's why for me it was balance it straight away. I use a control flag as well so that you can always see if you're reconciled on every page. And then that just means that you've always got that visibility and there's no surprises. Yeah, I would have been in all sorts of trouble if it didn't balance at the end. I would have been in mass panic. I think so.
[00:14:04]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Yeah. It had me pretty panicked.
[00:14:06]Host: Paul Barnhurst: I was so tired. I was like, I don't even know if I care anymore. And they're like, no, no, no, you got to get this done.
[00:14:11] Guest: Myles Arnott: What's kind of crazy though? I,I set myself a three month window, which I felt was like a really nice amount of time to prep for it. And I laid out a plan of what I was going to cover, like start a revenue down through the PNL, then into depreciation, go through the schedules. And there was one area that I hadn't done before, which was the revolver debt. I've never needed to model that before. Had an interesting chat with Ian. Ian Schnur about that actually, because I've just never modeled it. It's not the kind of models in the UK where I'm doing SME models. I leave the cash flow go negative because I want to know if it's negative, because then I need to know if I need debt or equity. So I've never done a revolver, so I spent a bit more time learning that. But the reality I think, is what you were saying as well, Paul, the reality as I got through going through my day job, I got distracted, got taken away with work, and in the end I was quite limited on the amount of time I actually had to practice. I got kind of caught up in a few projects and a few deliverables, so if it had been a harder thing for me, I would have found that quite hard. So I'd definitely recommend a nice patch of about three months. So they are there every three months. So it's quite a good little window of time to do, but that's what I recommend.
[00:15:19]Host: Paul Barnhurst: I agree, give.
[00:15:19]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Yourself some time. If you know, I would have liked to have put more time into the training and I completely relate to what you're saying. You think you're going to have more time and life happens.
[00:15:30] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah, absolutely.
[00:15:31]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Say, what advice would you offer to anyone who's listening and they're considering taking the test? What would you say to them?
[00:15:37] Guest: Myles Arnott: If you're a modeler and you're thinking about it, just do it. Give yourself a bit of time. So depending on where you are in your journey, I guess like. For me, like I said, I find it relatively straightforward because I've been teaching it for so long. But get yourself to a point of comfort with the skill set and then take it, because it's one of those things we can just put off, particularly once we've got through our life a little bit. And, you know, you've got life. I've got two children, you've got work, , you know, various jobs. I've got quite a mix of jobs. It's so easy to put things off. So I just recommend just go for it, get make sure you've got the time and then just sign up and get on with it. Because it's such a good exam, such a good test of your ability to build a three statement model. And actually, like I'm talking to a financial modeling audience, but outside of our little world in finance, that's a really valuable skill to be able to do a three statement model. Not many people can do them. A lot of finance directors, that's just not their skill set. So to be able to say that you can build a three statement model in Excel is a really valuable thing.
[00:16:36]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Agreed.There's a lot of value to it. It's a great program. It helps you really think about design because you know, if you're going to build something in four hours, you need to have good design. You can't be all over the place like your horror story. That's just not going to work. And so I think that's one thing I really like. How much time did you spend studying or how much time would you recommend someone spend kind of preparing? And I know it's going to vary a little bit depending on how much somebody modeled, but just kind of high level. Your thoughts?
[00:17:06] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah, I think I think that kind of three month window. So FMI's own content is really good. So Ian's got a load of recordings through. I think if you had three months just to like a number of maybe 3 or 4 hours a week to dedicate to that, make sure at the end you leave a lot of time for case study practice. That was the thing I found most valuable was like, get through the main skill sets. Give yourself enough time for that, maybe 3 or 4 hours a week, some time at the weekends to do those case studies. I didn't do a case study in one run. I broke it up. So I because I was doing it in broadly two hours, I did an hour and an hour because that just like trying to fit that around my life, I was breaking it. Breaking it, of course. But yeah, I think three, four hours a week for three months, depending on where you are. this should be enough.
[00:17:49]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Yeah.So I mean, if you're, you say 12 weeks, three, four hours, kind of what they recommend I think is 50 hours, they say you need and that's kind of the range you're, you're coming in close to. So anywhere from 30 to 50 hours just depending on skill level. Obviously the less you've modeled, probably the more you need to put in.
[00:18:06] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah, yeah for sure. An interesting one for me was, I'm a fast modeler, so model to the broadly the fast standard. Doing a fast model in four hours in the FMA exam is quite a challenge. So one of the things I did was just tweak the way that I worked a little bit to work around how fast works and dragging it into the schedules without because like, yeah, a full, fast model in four hours is pretty hard going.
[00:18:30]Host: Paul Barnhurst: So sure.Yeah, you there's some modifications you may need to take. I mean, I think the challenge is with the time is to really, you really have to know what you're doing and be focused to be able to do it in that time. So it goes beyond just knowing how to model. It's knowing how things work inside out and being able to quickly work to pass the test.
[00:18:51] Guest: Myles Arnott: Absolutely, yeah. You can't be. There's no time for trying to remember, like what you're trying to do in there. It's you're building and you need to be able to whip those things out. And I practice every schedule on its own, individually, over and over again so that I could just.
[00:19:06]Host: Paul Barnhurst: I did the same.Each schedule 4 or 5 times, just kind of running through them. And I remember watching the videos quite a bit. And so yeah, I hear you on that. So Full Stack Modeler that was started in 2020. Maybe talk a little bit about how you were a part of that and what the experience has been like with Full Stack.
[00:19:27] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah. So we started yeah, five years ago. So we timed it perfectly just around Covid. So we we kind of came up with the idea just pre-COVID. And the idea was to take the full stack. The name comes from the idea of loading together core Excel skills. So everything that you need in Excel, which is a growing thing these days with everything that's coming out from Microsoft.
[00:19:48] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yes it is.
[00:19:49] Guest: Myles Arnott: Everything that you need in Excel. All the core stuff up into like solid financial modeling. So AFM level and then, you know, some of the higher stuff as well. And then thinking about visualization. So taking you on the clients on that journey but then also wrapping around that kind of tech. So we talk to tech companies about technology that can support financial modeling and just finance in general, and then pulling around that even further community. So we've got a vibrant community of about 800 people and events. So we get people come in. So usually Microsoft MVP's to come in and talk about a very specific subject to us and, and chat that through. So so that was the concept. That's why it's called Full Stack Modeler was to try and get to the point where we can give everyone a full stack of capabilities in the, in the finance modeling world. And yeah, it's been it's been a great experience. There's nothing quite like running your own business. So I've had my own consultancy for years, but it's been very I've never really thought of it as, as a business. It's like my business, you know, I had a few people work with me in the past, but it's not running a business. It's a different thing. So Fullstack has been a great experience of actually living and breathing that running a business.
[00:20:59]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Sure. Where you have multiple founders and it's much more, yeah, than a consultancy type. It's just different when you're doing the full training and all that marketing and just the difference. Yeah, a little bit of a different environment.
[00:21:11] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah, exactly. And you know, the ups and downs of business and, and all those things is, is a, you know, it's all it's all life learning isn't it. It's all great things to learn through that experience for sure.
[00:21:21]Host: Paul Barnhurst: So at Fullstack, you're lucky enough to work with what I like to call the world's humblest MVP. I believe his name is Giles. Mel. What can you tell our audience about him? Come on, give it. Give us some dirt on the man.
[00:21:35] Guest: Myles Arnott: The world's humblest. I love it. So you've upped him from the humble MVP to the world's humblest. He's going to love that. That's going to boost his ego. Yeah.
[00:21:44]Host: Paul Barnhurst: That's what I try to do. I feed Giles.
[00:21:46] Guest: Myles Arnott: I actually feed him. You started wearing the, uh, the gold jacket as well. So you're really feeding his, uh, feeding his shiny shoes, so. Yeah. So. So what do you want me to do? Is tell the world the truth about the humble MVP. Is that what we're after?
[00:21:59]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Yeah. I'm sure there's something you could tell us about him. You worked with him for five years. Now you got to have a few secrets here.
[00:22:05] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah, so? So unfortunately. So. So Giles kind of knew that this was going to happen, so he. I've got a prepared statement for you, so I'm just going to read it out because I'm not allowed to say anything else. So, Giles aka the humble MVP, he is the most professional, nicest and most humble person I have ever worked with. So that's that's all I'm allowed to say, Paul, I'm afraid.
[00:22:25]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Uh, come on, you can give us more than that statement. I know there's more in there.
[00:22:29] Guest: Myles Arnott: No, man, you know, you know, he was very clear about it. And, Yeah, I just can't.
[00:22:34]Host: Paul Barnhurst: You know, he won't listen to this part.
[00:22:35] Guest: Myles Arnott: Okay.
[00:22:36]Host: Paul Barnhurst: You got to give us at least one thing.
[00:22:38] Guest: Myles Arnott: Just one thing. Well, at.
[00:22:39]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Least.
[00:22:39] Guest: Myles Arnott: One. Maybe I'll start like. So. When I met him, he was. He was a lovely guy. He was just, you know, nice, normal guy we met. Was it about eight years ago? Actually, we met at an ICW event, which is rock n roll and yeah, just a normal guy. And we got on really well. And it was only really last year that he kind of moved into this kind of strange, strange personality. But anyway, yeah, I can't really talk about it too much.
[00:23:01]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Strange personality. Like, you mean the humble part or the going off on people on LinkedIn for cheat sheets or.
[00:23:08] Guest: Myles Arnott: One day in a meeting he just suddenly was wearing, like, his sunglasses. And I just thought that was a bit weird, to be honest. And and then like a week later, he turned up in that, you know, the ridiculous white jacket that he wears and yeah, his.
[00:23:19]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Yeah, for his pretend fur coat.
[00:23:21] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah. So yeah, he just, you know, it's just not normal behavior to, like, turn up in a meeting in sunglasses and a and a white top and it just. Yeah. He just started to, to turn into like a slightly. Yeah, a slightly stranger way to behave. And then really it was like the MVP song, which I'm sure you've heard when we released the MVP song. That was kind of it really. He just went like a megalomaniac and, you know, just all kind of went off the road from there, really. You know, every meeting that we have, we have to start with the song. So like when we have our team meetings on a Monday, he plays the song and we all have to just watch and dance around the room in the background on the zoom thing to the music, which is like pretty sad, I think. But he's got his coat on and his glasses. It's it's a hard thing, you know, he was such a nice guy at the start and he's just, just gone a bit bit over the top.
[00:24:07]Host: Paul Barnhurst: That explains a lot of his behavior in Vegas. I mean, he wore that coat the entire drive from Salt Lake.
[00:24:13] Guest: Myles Arnott: And I presume he just sat in the back and forced you and Oz to drive you. In the video I saw, he looked like he was driving, but I'm guessing you were. You were the chauffeur.
[00:24:21]Host: Paul Barnhurst: He pretended for a little while, but he pretty much. Yeah, he made Oz and I do the real work.
[00:24:25] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah. It's terrible. That's what he does. Just for the videos. He'll make himself look like a nice guy. And then. Yeah, he just. I mean, yeah, you spent a lot of time with them, man. You were. You had to deal with that a lot, I guess.
[00:24:35]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Yeah. I spent almost a week with them. It was enough.
[00:24:37] Guest: Myles Arnott: That's crazy. I mean, to be honest, the worst, the worst thing, really, like, the most recent thing was. I don't even know if I can share this, but. So mine is Miles. His name's Giles. So you probably know that Miles and Giles has always been a bit of a joke of ours, and customers have found it quite funny. They're like. Really? Miles and Giles and we used to both find it quite funny. But recently, now that he's like Mr. Humble MVP people, when people now confuse us, that really knocks him. So he really gets angry. If people call him Miles and me Giles, because, you know, he's the humble MVP. So a couple of weeks ago went as far as he told me. I needed to think about changing my name. So he's asked me to think about what other name I could call myself so that it doesn't rhyme with his. You know, it's just kind of crazy.
[00:25:20]Host: Paul Barnhurst: FP&A guy here. And as you know, I am very passionate about financial modeling and the Financial Modeling Institute's mission. I have been a huge fan of the FMI for years, and I was super excited when they decided to sponsor the Financial Modeler's Corner. I recently completed the Advanced Financial Modeler certification and loved the entire experience. It was top notch from start to finish. I am a better modeler today for having completed the certification. I strongly believe every modeler needs to demonstrate they are a qualified financial modeler, and one of the best ways to do that is through the FMI program. Earning the accreditation will demonstrate to your current and future employers that you are serious about financial modeling. What are you waiting for? Visit and use Code Podcast to save 15% when you enroll in an accreditation today.
[00:26:26]Host: Paul Barnhurst: All right, so for the rest of this episode, I'll call you Mikey.
[00:26:29] Guest: Myles Arnott: Mikey. Okay. Is that where we're going? Is it okay, Mikey?
[00:26:33]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Well, I think that's probably enough for one episode. We'll get back to modeling. Otherwise, our guests or our audience is going to be like. Are you guys talking about.
[00:26:43] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah, it's like a caveat. Everything I've just said is an absolute lie, obviously, because he's a lovely guy. You can cut that bit.
[00:26:50]Host: Paul Barnhurst: He's a good guy.
[00:26:51]Host: Paul Barnhurst: But we have to have a little bit of fun.
[00:26:53] Guest: Myles Arnott: We do, we do.
[00:26:54]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Shifting gears here a little bit, you've always enjoyed working with businesses to improve systems and processes. You talk about the operational I know you you deal with a lot of data. What is it that you like about, you know, that side of things working on kind of systems and processes in that area?
[00:27:10] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah, I think it's really like it's right in the crux of my DNA, to be honest. So I realized when I was younger I couldn't stay at a company more than two years. And, and the reason for that was I'd go into a company in an analyst or like a management accountant type role, and I just wanted to change everything. So anything that wasn't how I. How I liked it and was manual and awful, I just wanted to change it. And so from day one, I was always looking at ways to improve data flows and processes. And so I've always just wanted that. I've always I probably went too complex at the start. So in my early days, I did that kind of classic learning curve, which is go super complex, put VBA into everything, automate everything to death, and then kind of came back off that learning curve, which is let's make everything simple. And so kind of simple, good data flows, best data you can have, all that kind of stuff has been the core of what I try to do every time. And so it's just built right into me. From the very start of when I started working in that kind of analyst management accountant role. So it's just been there all the way through since. So.
[00:28:17]Host: Paul Barnhurst: So you've always enjoyed the process and automation? I'm not surprised. I think we all go through that a little bit of that curve where, oh, I can write this really complex formula. This is cool. And then you realize anyone else looks at your file goes, what in the world are you doing? And they're like, maybe I should scale this back. There's that definite learning curve that so many of us go through. But something you mentioned in there is you talked about, you know, flow of data. I think that's an area we often struggle with in spreadsheets. It's one of the most critical areas to get right in design. So what is your take? Why do you think that is such a struggle in so many models that the the data flow is just is poor?
[00:28:55] Guest: Myles Arnott: I think the reality is something you just said in your in your question there, Paul, which is a lot of people don't think about design. So a lot of times what happens is we're asked for something, you know, very often we're under pressure and the reality of our day jobs and we're asked for an output and all we do is go, oh, there's some data. Chuck it in my spreadsheet. How do I, in the quickest possible way, get that data to an output? And what we're not thinking about is like firstly start at the outputs. What do I need then what sources have I got? What's the bit in the middle. People aren't thinking about that design process very often because they're just in a rush, and they just want to get from raw data to output as quickly as is humanly possible. And the spreadsheet kind of particularly the what I call traditional grid based spreadsheet, you know, working in cells that really allows us to do that and in almost encourage us to work in that way.
[00:29:46]Host: Paul Barnhurst: That's a really good point. It does a little bit. So what advice would you offer to somebody who is trying to better set up their spreadsheets, managing data flow, like what have you found works well? Are there some best practices or what would you recommend?
[00:30:01] Guest: Myles Arnott: The big bit.For me is that starting with the design. So I kind of talked through that already. But thinking about what you're trying to get to as the outputs and then looking at the sources you've got. And if you need to transform those sources, see how far up the chain you can push that transformation. So can you push any of the changes right back up to the very, very source or not? Very often we can't. That's the reality of why we're in Excel usually. See. But we try and push them up as far as you can, then use a tool if you have to, to transform them. Obviously for me that's Power Query. Like Power Query is an amazing tool within the Excel environment. Absolutely love it. Go to for transforming data. So get everything as tidy as you can at that point. And then I'm a big fan of just dropping one table. So one Excel table of data into the model that's got everything in it. So bring all your data together, transform it, correct it, normalize it, bring it together one set of data, single table, and then all of your reporting comes off that one table. And that way you've just got one central, central version of the truth that every report is coming from. And that version of the truth is coming through a structured transformational tool like Power Query.
[00:31:13]Host: Paul Barnhurst: So when did you first learn about Power Query, and when did you realize that this tool could make everything easier?
[00:31:21] Guest: Myles Arnott: So it's pretty much when it came out. So I was always been kind of on looking at Excel from day. You know, as soon as I really got into Excel, I used to follow Chandu in the, in the early days, and I've always been looking at what's coming out. So whenever things came out, I was a fairly early adopter, subject to like Excel versions, which now seems like a long time ago that you'd wait for a floppy disk to come out or a CD to come out. So those are the days where you had to upgrade and buy the disc back in the day. But, you know, I think it was 1617 that Power Query came out and the as soon as I saw it, I'm that kind of person. As soon as I saw it, I was like, man, I've got to get me some of this. This is the best tool ever because the equivalent in Excel was VBA or doing it manually. So for me, Power Query just moved it into a different world and it did. It takes a bit of a mindset shift I think. And that's where Excel has moved so much from grid based into tables, into Power Query, into dynamic arrays. As Excel users, we've had to go on quite a journey, I think. And for me, when I first started looking at power creep, particularly because it looks like Excel. Doesn't it? You've got the grid and you've got a ribbon at the top. But. It's nothing like it. There's no you can't go into Excel. So it was quite. A journey for me. But yeah, instantly like I clicked on Unpivot and then my. My mind just exploded and I was like, this is me for the rest of my life.
[00:32:39]Host: Paul Barnhurst: And you make a good point about how Microsoft's changed from just the grid. Right. Tables. Semi-structured or structured data. Which Power query. Forces power pivot. Python. Right. Almost everything it does, it puts in data. Frames which is a data type and kind of tables and some structure. Oh yes. It's all getting displayed in the grid in some way. Still in some kind of. Grid format, even Power Query, even Power Pivot, you still see a little bit of. That grid. But it's so different from ten, 15 years ago to the way it operates today and how it's allowed you to better, I would say, manage data and data flow in a more structured without having to use a formal database with, you know, connecting it necessarily to a database per se.
[00:33:28] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah, absolutely. I think the, the comparator for me is Microsoft Access, because Microsoft Access was a, a pretty decent database in the Microsoft world, and it was available on your desktop, but almost nobody used it. And it was kind of this terrifying thing that no one knew how to use. My observation I don't know if it's actually the truth or not, but it's the way I see it is that Microsoft basically thought, well, no one's using access. Can we try and bring that into Excel? And so we've got Excel tables that we should now bring that tabular form. And then Power Query which allows us to do the joins, is also, like you said, the data model and Power Pivot where we can join data. So I kind of felt like they've done a bit of a no one's using access. So let's try and bring it into Excel. I don't know if that's the truth, but that's that's the way I see it.So yeah.
[00:34:12]Host: Paul Barnhurst: And I hadn't necessarily thought of it that way, but I thought of a lot of what I did in access is no longer needed with Excel, with Power Query and other things. So yeah. Opposite side of the same coin, so to speak. I looked at it a little differently, but same idea. Yeah. As soon as I learned Power Query, I pretty much was just a matter of time till I stopped using access. At first I'd hooked a bunch, I'd done a bunch in access, and I'd pull it into Excel through Power Query. And it's like, okay, how can I just get rid of access altogether?
[00:34:37] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah.And that the ability that you have with Power Query to combine data from all of the external sources, but then your own Excel files, the file that you're working in, like I remember myself 20 years ago, if that had been put in front of me, I would have just been. My mind would have been blown. Because back then you just couldn't combine data sources from different places.
[00:35:00]Host: Paul Barnhurst: So it was tough.
[00:35:01] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah, it really tough. And I remember talking to Group it and the company I was in and they were having none of it, of me being able to like create my own reference tables to give to them and then be able to pull those together in the, in the tool. They were like, not a, not a chance. Whereas now you can just do it in Power Query and that's uh. That's incredible. Really?
[00:35:18]Host: Paul Barnhurst: So now I can remember. Okay, I'm going to connect to Salesforce here. I'm going to connect to this over there. I pull it all in, I'm going to create my own manual tables and just build my whole process. And then at some point maybe we'll figure out how to automate that and, you know, do it the proper way. But you could do a ton with Power Query. All right. This isn't a Power Query question. So we're going to go back to more general Excel. Favorite Excel shortcut I know you got to have one.
[00:35:47] Guest: Myles Arnott: That's like trying to choose between your children.
[00:35:49]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Okay. So what is your favorite child. You can answer that too.
[00:35:53]Host: Paul Barnhurst: No they won't be listening to the show. Don't worry.
[00:35:56] Guest: Myles Arnott: I definitely won't be listening to this. No. I'm going to go control T just because I love tables so much. Like I want all of my data in tables, so control T, let's go with that.
[00:36:06]Host: Paul Barnhurst: That's one of my favorite as well. Do you ever use control?
[00:36:09] Guest: Myles Arnott: no. So that's the old list, wasn't it?
[00:36:12] Guest: Myles Arnott: So correct. Yeah, yeah.
[00:36:14]Host: Paul Barnhurst: I had someone say control l one time and I had to think about it. I'm like, oh yeah, I guess it did start as lists, didn't it?
[00:36:19] Guest: Myles Arnott: I posted a while back on LinkedIn and someone said Excel tables have been around since 2007, and they were like, actually, lists came out in 2004 or something.
[00:36:28]Host: Paul Barnhurst: So yeah.
[00:36:29]Host: Paul Barnhurst: You're you put anything about Excel on LinkedIn and somebody will let you know.
[00:36:33] Guest: Myles Arnott: There's more to it.
[00:36:36]Host: Paul Barnhurst: All right. So as you look back over your career, I'm curious, what's the number one lesson you have learned that's probably helped you the most in your career? I mean, outside of Giles' humbleness.
[00:36:46] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah. I mean, yeah, outside of trying to emulate such a humble genius. Yeah. I think it's that keeping it simple thing that I've talked about a few times here, just that, that trajectory that I'm aware that I've been on of, of starting off, loading up VBA into everything very complicated single cell formulae and then coming down off the back end of that and just rigorously trying to be as simple as I can in everything that I do. So making every single model. A simple and clear as it can be. Every formula in there like, if possible, one function long using Excel tables, all of that kind of structure and simplicity. And that's yeah, that's what I've used all the way through. It's what we teach at Full Stack Modeler to, to encourage people to work in that way. And that just means you end up with good models that are less risky and easier to share across your team. And that's what we should all be aiming at, I think.
[00:37:39]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Agreed. So this is more kind of a fun question. What's the most unique, funnest thing that you've created in a spreadsheet for your personal life?
[00:37:49] Guest: Myles Arnott: My personal life. So I'm. Yeah, I'm an interesting one because as an accountant, I don't ever do any of my own accounts in Excel. I think probably the, the one that comes to mind. And I don't know if it's particularly funny, but it's a bit of a weird thing to do. But early an early job I created again, VBA days, like a countdown timer towards the holiday, and every day when I open my computer it would show like the next day with the a countdown and different pictures would be jumping up and stuff. It's like when I think about it now, like hugely unprofessional. Like, I should have got the sack for that. But I spent time building this thing that every day would count down. I was going snowboarding and very excited about it, and it just counted down every day. It's not not a great use probably, but hey, Excel can do anything, can't it?
[00:38:34] Guest: Myles Arnott: So it.
[00:38:35]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Can. I'm sure you're not the only one who's done something like that. There's been many unique things done. That's why we asked the question. We get some pretty fun answers with that one. All right. So we're going to move.
[00:38:46] Guest: Myles Arnott: As I say. What's the best one you've heard Paul. What's your favorite.
[00:38:49]Host: Paul Barnhurst: I think my favorite was Tim Vipond who, uh, started CFI Corporate Finance Institute. He talked about how he prepared a dashboard in Excel to help discuss goals, and how him and his soon to be wife fiance at the time were aligned to help him track and see how they're performing, like in their, you know, in their marriage. And I did ask him, I go and how did she like that? Well, we're not using it anymore, so that probably tells you or we're not using it. I just kind of laughed.
[00:39:18] Guest: Myles Arnott: So at least you didn't say we're not together anymore, I suppose.
[00:39:21]Host: Paul Barnhurst: No no no no no.
[00:39:23]Host: Paul Barnhurst: They're happily together. But she wasn't as excited about the spreadsheet, I think, as he was, so that was probably one of my favorites that made me laugh. The other one was someone created one about, uh, a tracker. They were using some kind of API, pulling it into Excel to there's a show that was using a lot of profanity, and they wanted to actually have it count how many times it was using profanity. And they built that in Excel for some show that they watched. So those are probably two of the more unique ones I've had. All right. So we're going to move into the rapid fire section. So no consultant answers. I know you've worked as a consultant. You can't tell me. It depends. You have to pick a side. And then you can elaborate at the end on 1 or 2 of these, because there's nuance to all of them. It's not as simple as one side or the other. Okay. Circular references and models. Yes or no?
[00:40:10] Guest: Myles Arnott: Uh, no.
[00:40:10]Host: Paul Barnhurst: VBA. Yes or no?
[00:40:12] Guest: Myles Arnott: No.
[00:40:13]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Horizontal or vertical? Which layout do you prefer?
[00:40:16] Guest: Myles Arnott: Oh, vertical? Definitely.
[00:40:18]Host: Paul Barnhurst: All right. Dynamic arrays. Yes or no?
[00:40:22] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yep, yep.
[00:40:24]Host: Paul Barnhurst: How about fully dynamic models?
[00:40:26] Guest: Myles Arnott: No. Not yet.
[00:40:28]Host: Paul Barnhurst: All right. External workbook links.
[00:40:31] Guest: Myles Arnott: Hell, no.
[00:40:33]Host: Paul Barnhurst: You're not the first one to say that. Named ranges. Yes or no?
[00:40:38] Guest: Myles Arnott: Uh, no. With exceptions.
[00:40:40]Host: Paul Barnhurst: I know the answer to this one. You follow formal standards. You do. Fast.
[00:40:43] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yep, yep.
[00:40:44]Host: Paul Barnhurst: All right. Do you think financial modelers need to learn Python in Excel?
[00:40:48] Guest: Myles Arnott: Oh, no.
[00:40:51]Host: Paul Barnhurst: All right, what about Power Query?
[00:40:54] Guest: Myles Arnott: Oh, yeah. Yeah.
[00:40:55]Host: Paul Barnhurst: I figured that's what you'd say. What about power BI?
[00:40:59] Guest: Myles Arnott: Oh, I'm gonna say no. Controversially, you're gonna have to explain it.
[00:41:03]Host: Paul Barnhurst: All of.
[00:41:03] Guest: Myles Arnott: These.
[00:41:05]Host: Paul Barnhurst: There's a there's a good mix on all of these. Will excel. Ever die?
[00:41:09] Guest: Myles Arnott: No.
[00:41:10]Host: Paul Barnhurst: All right, what about. I will build the models for us in the future.
[00:41:16] Guest: Myles Arnott: Oh, yes, I think it will.
[00:41:19]Host: Paul Barnhurst: All right. Do you believe financial models are the number one corporate decision making tool?
[00:41:25] Guest: Myles Arnott: They should be. Yep.
[00:41:26]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Yeah, that's. I get that sometimes too. They should be. Versus. I'd like to think they are.
[00:41:30] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah.
[00:41:31]Host: Paul Barnhurst: All right. What's your lookup function of choice. If you had to choose one lookup to use, you know Vlookup index match Xlookup filter, choose whatever it might be. What's your what's the one you go to?
[00:41:41] Guest: Myles Arnott: Xlookup. 100%. Brilliant.
[00:41:44]Host: Paul Barnhurst: All right, I like it.
[00:41:45]Host: Paul Barnhurst: I like Xlookup.
[00:41:46] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah.
[00:41:48]Host: Paul Barnhurst: All right. Any of those you want to elaborate on? I know there are a few where you're kind of like, I'm going to go. No, but.
[00:41:54] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah. Rapid fire. All of them. Yeah. No. So let me pick a few. So, VBA so I'm a no. Because Power Query I think takes on most of that. But micro automations I really like. So I know you know, a robot as well. So Eric from a robot is a fantastic tool. And we've been working with him. We've actually worked on some micro automations for the FMI, AFM exam as well, which I used when I started it. So yeah, those micro automations where we just make those little jobs easy, but not the not the big stuff. Yeah. Then you Python and Power BI, uh, for financial modelers, I think not yet. What I've seen of Python so far is it's still got a way to go. And the people I've spoken to still feel that you do Python in Python, and then maybe bring some of the results into Excel rather than the other side. But I think the, the, uh, the analysis of data, maybe some of the automation that we can do in Python might, might be something for the future. Power BI for me, it's a it's a business intelligence tool. So it's about, you know, in time reporting. But there are times where we can visualize a model and share it via power BI. So I think and just broadly, I think any, any one in finance, anyone who's a financial modeler. The more of these skills we have, the more tools we know. We can then choose which ones to apply and see which one's relevant. If you don't know anything about any of them, then how can you make the right decision? Whereas I think having the knowledge is is really important.
[00:43:24]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Now does that apply to Google Sheets? Should we actually learn about that?
[00:43:28] Guest: Myles Arnott: Is that a real question or is that.
[00:43:30]Host: Paul Barnhurst: I'm just giving you you're.
[00:43:32] Guest: Myles Arnott: Just messing with me now, aren't you?
[00:43:33]Host: Paul Barnhurst: But pretty much messing with you on that one.
[00:43:36] Guest: Myles Arnott: I'm trying to think there were some other ones there that I was like, oh, I can't say no to that, but I've got to. But I can't remember what the other ones were now. But yeah, like you say, there's always nuance in there, but you force me to say yes or no.
[00:43:46]Host: Paul Barnhurst: And that's just it. And that's why I don't let people say it depends, because it's kind of fun to see, oh, you know, like, I believe, uh, your partner, you know, said, yes, I'm fully dynamic. Array model. Oh.
[00:43:59] Guest: Myles Arnott: Nice.
[00:43:59]Host: Paul Barnhurst: He did. So, you know, just things like that. You see the difference in people that even work together, how they may answer a little different. I'm guessing if I went through all of them, there may be 1 or 2 others that he might have given a different answer on, and it it shows how much there is kind of science and structure, but there's art and there's opinion and there's not one right way. Like depending on the type of models you're building, sometimes you have to use VBA for certain things. You know, I'm a fan of not using it, but there are some that are like, well, type models I build. You got to use it to some extent. Yeah. Okay. Fair enough. Yeah. Or you know, whatever the answer may be on all those, there's definitely some opinions you get some that say yes on circular references or external workbook links. Haven't figured out why on that one. But you know.
[00:44:44] Guest: Myles Arnott: It's very important to say actually. So one of the founding principles of what Jars and I do at Fullstack is we're not prescriptive about you must do it like this, because exactly as you said, it depends on the environment. You're working in, an industry model client, everything is is so dependent. But if you've got the right tools and the right skill set, then you can choose. And I think that's the important thing. You know, Giles and I are both fast modelers, but we're not. We teach all of the standards and say, look, here are all the standards. In reality, they're basically all the same. Someone would kill me for saying that. Probably, but they're like 80% is the same. So most of this stuff, there's nuance and we can choose the right thing for the right situation. I think when you get really prescriptive and dominant about, you must do it this way. I think that's when you've lost your way, actually. Yeah.
[00:45:34]Host: Paul Barnhurst: I agree with you. I think it's much more here's the guiding principles, whether it's fast or whatever it may be. It's about having some guiding principles using good structure, you know, following some core principles like okay, hard coding and some other things that you just shouldn't do or you should do. But for the most part, there's a ton of nuance in all of it. And that's what you have to help people. So you say if you have the right tools, you've learned the right design, you've learned about structure, and you follow that. It will pay off.
[00:46:07] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah, 100%. 100% agree.
[00:46:09]Host: Paul Barnhurst: All right. So I want to ask this question. If you could offer one piece of advice to our audience to be a better modeler, what advice would you give them other than taking full stack modeler or listening to the world MVP?
[00:46:22] Guest: Myles Arnott: Oh come on. That's what I was about to say. You could see the look in my eyes, couldn't you? It's like that modeler.
[00:46:28]Host: Paul Barnhurst: There we go. It's an ad. Join full stack. And then what else should they do?
[00:46:32] Guest: Myles Arnott: So. Yeah. Yeah. All joking apart, it's about professionalizing what you do. So if you're a financial modeler, have you kind of worked it all out yourself, which is what I basically did until I got into fast. And then FMI and like have you worked out yourself, can you formalize what you do into some learning? So learn a variety of ways of doing things and get the toolkit to do what you need to do. Formalize that into an approach around a standard maybe, or something like that, and then test yourself. So go for that formalization of your ability. So get some learning. Come up with an approach and then test your ability through things like the FMI, AFM exam. We're also really involved in the Financial Modeling World Cup. So I'm not because I'm not that brave. But Giles is going out there and seeing cases as a commentator as well. As you know, we've just launched the UK chapter of it as well. And those are another great way of just testing your skills in a pressurized environment. And we don't get to do that really in our day jobs because the pressurized environment has to deliver the real result. Where I think that going through some training, testing it out really helps to develop you as an individual and as a modeler.
[00:47:44]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Now there's some great advice there. So as we wrap up, if the audience wants to learn more about you, maybe get in touch with you, what's the best way for them to do that?
[00:47:52] Guest: Myles Arnott: Yeah. So LinkedIn's the main place that I'm at and Full Stack Modeler, our website, you can get in touch with me through there. And yeah, it'd be great to have people join us at Full Stack, obviously. And yeah, it's been great talking to you, Paul. I've really enjoyed it.
[00:48:07]Host: Paul Barnhurst: Yeah, thanks for coming on. I really appreciate it, Giles. I mean, Myles, thanks for being on the show. It was a pleasure having you, and I'm excited for the audience to get the opportunity to listen to this episode.
[00:48:20] Guest: Myles Arnott: Brilliant. Thank you. I really appreciate it.
[00:48:22] Host: Paul Barnhurst: Financial Modeler's Corner was brought to you by the Financial Modeling Institute. This year, I completed the Advanced Financial Modeler certification and it made me a better financial model. What are you waiting for? Visit FMI at and use Code podcast to save 15% when you enroll in one of the accreditations today.